Friday, January 13, 2006

What's so special about them anyway?

Now, I'm angry. So is every one else in the barracks right now. We just found out that those scumballs of the 501st get to go fly the new starfighters. It's not the ARC - 170, but they're still cool. We all really despise the 501st. When we were on Kryyoth, we were fighting in close quarters, getting killed. In order to take a shot at a driod, you'd have to climb over your dead comrades. It was a bloodbath. Those 501st lunatics were back at base or "Rear Command Post 278". Guess what they were doing? NOTHING!! Just relaxing, sunning, etc. When the news got out that we were victorious, guess who got the praise, the rewards? THE 501st!! We made our contempt known, in a not - so - subtle way. We got reprimanded severly. Oh, well. Tau 739 just tacked up a picture of a 501st commander, and we're throwing darts at it. Kappa 249 just hit it in the eye visor. Epsilon 775


Blogger Unknown said...

I'll make sure to cut back on the praise for the 501st. And then kill a few of them for existing.

--Darth Sidious

4:27 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Die 501st soldier! Die!. Whoops, sorry didn't mean for this thing to be on while I painfully kill some of the 501st legion for taking undue credit. Ohhh, poo. Who knows a good janitor on corucant, 'cause now I've got scorch marks from the force lightning.

--Darth Sidious

1:54 PM  
Blogger Jardena said...

And they get first pick of the spiffy new armor. Very unfair

4:53 PM  
Blogger Jardena said...

I think you're special *pats you on the back* now can we get back to business? I'd recommend shooting at the horde of droids coming our way, but I don't want to hurry you if you're still feeling down.

3:18 PM  
Blogger Epsilon 775 said...

Oh, right. Yes, Ma'm!

5:47 PM  

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